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Privacy Policy

Disclaimer: This Privacy Policy is a translation based on the Japanese Privacy Policy which is the original Privacy Policy. Please use it for your reference only.

Idea Factory in relation to users’ name, date of birth, address, details of the service users' have applied for, and other information related to the protection of personal information, have implemented the following measures.

1. Idea Factory, complies with personal information related laws and other regulations, and for the protection of the users’ important personal information, takes all possible measures.

2. Idea Factory, in terms of the users’ personal information within the extent of the following purposes, will handle users' personal information properly.

(1)To verify identification, billing of usage fees, changes to the usage fees and the terms and conditions of service provision, notifications of service suspension, discontinuation, and termination of contract, and other services Idea Factory provides.
(2)Through telephone, e-mail, post or other forms of media, Idea Factory's service, product related sales promotions and questionnaire surveys, and sending giveaway prizes.
(3)Question and inquiry answers.

In addition to the above purposes of use, services and questionnaire surveys etc., for individual purposes may be stipulated.

3. Idea Factory, in order to correctly handle users’ personal information, internal regulations and internal management systems are maintained, employees receive training, and we strive to prevent the unauthorized access to personal information or loss of personal information, destruction, falsification, and information leakage by having the related appropriate measures taken and Idea Factory will continue to review these measures in order to protect personal information.

4. Idea Factory, in terms of users’ personal information, in order to achieve the above-mentioned purposes of use, Third Parties or business partners may be entrusted with it. In such cases, companies that sufficiently handle the protection of personal information are chosen, and personal information protection contracts are made along with other necessary and appropriate measures. Furthermore, in accordance with the law etc., public authorities such as courts or police forces may request for disclosure, in which case the public authority in concern will be provided with the information.

5.Users, with their own user information, that wish to make an inquiry or modify it, if the user contacts Idea Factory's customer service, Idea Factory will respond to you as soon as reasonably possible.
Idea Factory holds personal information in relation to laws and regulations, and will comply with them, furthermore, the efforts in the above paragraphs will be reviewed and improved from time to time.



1. 当社は、個人情報に関する法令およびその他の規範を遵守し、お客さまの大切な個人情報の保護に万全を尽くします。

2. 当社は、お客さまの個人情報については、下記の目的の範囲内で適正に取り扱いさせていただきます。



3. 当社は、お客さまの個人情報を適正に取り扱うため、社内規程および社内管理体制の整備、従業員の教育、並びに、個人情報への不正アクセスや個人情報の紛失、破壊、改ざんおよび漏洩等防止に関する適切な措置を行い、また、その見直しを継続して図ることにより、個人情報の保護に努めてまいります。

4. 当社は、お客さまの個人情報については、上記利用目的を達成するため、業務委託先又は提携先に預託する場合がございます。その場合は、個人情報の保護が十分に図られている企業を選定し、個人情報保護の契約を締結する等必要かつ適切な処置を実施いたします。なお、法令等に基づき裁判所・警察機関などの公的機関から開示の要請があった場合については、当該公的機関に提供することがございます。
